How Long Should a uPVC Door Last?

Published: 14th May 2024

Wondering how long your uPVC door will last? As a popular choice for homeowners, uPVC doors are known for their durability. But what factors affect their lifespan? In this blog, we’ll explore the longevity of uPVC doors, offering insights to help you keep your door in the best condition.

What is the average life expectancy of a uPVC door?

On average, a well-maintained uPVC door can last 20 plus years. Regular cleaning, lubricating hinges and locks, and addressing any issues promptly can help extend the lifespan of a uPVC door. Additionally, choosing a reputable manufacturer and ensuring professional installation can also contribute to the longevity of the door.

How to properly maintain a uPVC door?

Proper maintenance of a uPVC door is essential to ensure its longevity and functionality. Here are some steps to effectively maintain a uPVC door:

  • Cleaning: Clean the uPVC door frame, panel, and glass using a mild detergent solution and a soft cloth or sponge. Avoid using abrasive cleaners or materials that could scratch the surface.
  • Lubricate Moving Parts: Lubricate hinges, locks, and other moving parts of the door with a little light engineering oil to prevent stiffness and ensure smooth operation.
  • Check and Adjust Alignment: Periodically check the alignment of the door by opening and closing it to ensure it operates smoothly. If the door is sticking or rubbing against the frame, adjustments may be necessary to realign it properly.
  • Inspect Seals and Gaskets: Check the seals and gaskets around the door frame periodically for signs of wear or damage.
  • Clean Hardware: Clean door handles, letterboxes, and other door hardware to prevent build-up of dirt. Tighten any loose screws or bolts to ensure hardware remains secure.
  • Avoid Harsh Chemicals: Avoid using harsh chemical cleaners or abrasive materials on uPVC doors, as these can damage the surface and degrade the material over time.

How to clean a uPVc door?

Over time your door will naturally get a build-up of debris and dirt. To maintain your door’s aesthetics and functionality, cleaning and maintenance of your uPVC door and frame is essential. How often you have to clean your uPVC door will depend on where you live, for instance, a coastal or industrial location or near a busy road may mean cleaning is required a little more often. We’ll take you through the step-by-step process of how to clean your uPVC door, ensuring it stays pristine for years to come.

Ensure You Have Your Cleaning Products to Hand

You’ll need:

  • Warm Water
  • Lint-free cloth

Remove any loose dirt and debris – start by removing any loose dirt or debris from the door. Use a soft dry cloth to gently sweep away dust, cobwebs, or other surface dirt. Pay attention to the corners, edges, and any grooves where dirt may accumulate.

Wipe down surfaces – Using warm soapy water, dip a cloth into the cleaning solution and gently wipe down the uPVC surface. Focus on areas with stains or marks, applying a bit more pressure if needed. When this step is finished and you’ve cleaned the entire door, it’s important to rinse it thoroughly with clean water to remove any remaining cleaning solution to prevent residue build-up.

Dry the door – Now that you’ve cleaned your door, it’s time to finish it off. Using a clean and dry microfibre cloth, simply wipe your uPVC door, ensuring all areas are fully dry. By doing this step effectively, you are helping to prevent water spots and ensuring a streak free finish.

UPVC doors require little to no maintenance, just an occasional wipe down with warm soapy water and a lint free cloth will keep your door looking great for years to come.

When do I need a new uPVc door?

You may need a new uPVC door if you notice any of the following signs:

  • Damage: If the uPVC door is damaged beyond repair, such as significant cracks, dents, or warping, it may be time for a replacement.
  • Poor Insulation: If you notice drafts or air leaks around the door, it could indicate that the seals or gaskets are worn out, compromising the door’s insulation properties.
  • Condensation Inside the Glass: If condensation forms between the glass panes of double or triple glazed uPVC doors, it may indicate a seal failure, necessitating replacement of the door panel.
  • Outdated Style or Functionality: If the uPVC door is outdated in terms of style or functionality and no longer meets your aesthetic preferences or needs, you may consider replacing it with a more up-to-date style.

Explore our uPVC door styles.

Ultimately, the decision to replace a uPVC door depends on the severity of the issues and your individual circumstances. Consulting with a professional uPVC door installer can help determine whether repair or replacement is the best course of action. Find your local installer here.